Some people say I give Mark a really hard time on this blog. To those people I say, you are absolutely right. But he is MY husband and I can express my love for him by writing about his foibles if I want to.
He had his chance to have his say, but found the blogsphere to hot. He shuttered his blog in about 3 months. But he still manages to find time to slag me once a month or so on Squirlley Girl's blog.
There has been a rumour circulating that Mark doesn't like being written about. This is a huge error. He loves to be written about! In fact, every time he ends up in the newspaper he cuts out the article and mails it to my Mom. Shirley having made the unforgivable mistake of putting an ex-boyfriends article on the fridge one time. Competitive. Well, maybe just a little.
He is also not shy. He once was shy, but living with me has made him wily. A few months ago we were watching Hustle and Flow. Since then he has become a rap star. All I have to do is sing,'it's hard out here for a pimp' and he finishes the song for me. He can't help himself. Because as we all know, it IS hard out there for a pimp. Mark is just representing.
My next wife will not only be a deaf mute, she will also be illiterate.
Mark you are the "mac daddy" or whatever they call pimps these days....
Mark you may have plans for some next wife…but what do you plan on doing with this harem of women you have collected through your current wife? You don’t think we would abandon you do you? Rest assured you will still be picking us up in the minivan at 3:30 in the morning!
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