Monday, September 25, 2006

Droning On

A while ago we got an invited to one of those 'must attend' events. The type that everyone who is anyone is going to. Since we are vacuous enough to worry that maybe we aren't seen enough by people who may be important, we decided to go.

No sooner had we walked in the door then I could already sense the direction the night was going to go. I could tell by the sea of black that surrounded me. Why is it de rigeur to dress in black for these events? I purposely try to wear the brightest colour I have. If the point is to be seen I have come ablely equipped. Plus, Mark puts me in charge of the drinks, so he needs to be able to find me quickly.

After scanning the room we managed to find our assigned table. We were in luck, we were the first ones there, so I quickly claimed the seat that faces the podium. No one wants to get seated at an awkward angle. This means you will either be staring out into the distance all night or painfully wretching your neck to glimpse the speaker. Since most of these affairs can put you to sleep faster than an 8:30 a.m. Accounting class you don't want to be caught in such a compromising position. Next I took a look at the agenda, which caused me to inhale quickly. Through clenched teeth, I hissed at Mark that it was rather ambitious. Too ambitious for us to get home in time for me to catch Life on Mars. We looked at each other knowly, there was only one thing to do, it was time to buy a bottle for the table.

Picture from Flickr

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